Chiropractic Services in Fenton

Optimal Health & Wellness Through Chiropractic Care

Patient-Centered Chiropractic Care

At First Stop Chiropractic, we provide various services to help you achieve your desired health and wellness. Our experienced team of chiropractors offers professional, evidence-based treatment methods and therapies with an emphasis on preventive care and long-term pain management. 

We help patients manage musculoskeletal disorders and improve overall well-being through a combination of approaches, including chiropractic adjustments, laser therapy, shockwave therapy, Neuropathy Treatment, Invisa RED, and DOT physicals etc.

Our Expert Chiropractic Services

No matter what you’re looking for – from chronic pain relief to improved range of motion – First Stop Chiropractic is here to help you feel better faster. Book an appointment today to discover how you can take advantage of the healing benefits of our chiropractic services.

Chiropractic adjustment Services

Chiropractic Adjustments

Chiropractic care is the foundation of everything we do here at First Stop Chiropractic. We use techniques, including Nimmo (trigger point therapy), activator adjustments, and traditional methods to ensure we align your spine in whatever way is most comfortable and beneficial for your needs and goals.

These adjustments help to restore balance to the musculoskeletal structure. Our gentle yet effective techniques work to realign vertebrae, reduce joint restrictions, and alleviate tension in the muscles and soft tissue structures. Adjustments can also help improve range of motion, reduce chronic pain and inflammation, and increase overall wellbeing.

Dot Physical

At First Stop Chiropractic, we offer Department of Transportation (DOT) physicals to help ensure that commercial drivers are physically and mentally fit to operate a vehicle. The DOT physical includes a comprehensive medical examination to identify any health conditions which could potentially impact a driver’s ability to safely operate a commercial vehicle.

Commercial drivers must obtain a DOT physical to remain DOT compliant and legally hold a commercial driver’s license. Schedule your physical today!

Dot Physical Services
Laser Therapy Service

Laser Therapy

Laser therapy uses photobiomodulation (specific light waves targeted at your muscles and tissues) to reduce inflammation, improve circulation, and enhance recovery. This process is painless and doesn’t require a lengthy recovery time.

Laser therapy works by stimulating the body’s natural healing process at a cellular level, which can reduce muscle spasms and relieve swelling. This form of treatment can be used on its own or in combination with other therapies, such as chiropractic adjustments.

Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive treatment for inflammation, chronic pain, and joint issues. A series of gentle shockwave treatments break up the calcification of stressed joints, allowing the body to release those stiff deposits and improve function within the affected area.

This non-invasive procedure uses sound waves to penetrate deep into the affected area, delivering an intense but gentle massage effect which can improve blood flow, reduce swelling, and increase mobility. This therapy has proven effective in treating a variety of both chronic and acute musculoskeletal conditions. 

Shockwave Therapy Service
Spinal Decompression Service

Spinal Decompression

Are you looking for relief from chronic back pain, or struggling with neck pain? SpineMED®  decompression therapy might just be a great fit for your wellness goals. This non-surgical procedure is designed to ease your pain without any discomfort.

The equipment we use at First Stop Chiropractic, is the latest in spinal care technology, helping us deliver a high level of service to help relieve our clients of their pain.

Shape Reclaimed

First Stop Chiropractic offers high-quality Shape Reclaimed services in Fenton and the surrounding area. Our team of experienced chiropractors is committed to providing evidence-based care that is personalized and patient-oriented.

We strive to help our patients reduce pain, improve mobility, and enjoy life without discomfort or persistent limitations through preventive care as well as tailored treatment plans.

Shape Reclaim Service